• Ne. feb 23rd, 2025

Logo competition


jan 5, 2021

Počas zimných prázdnin sa uskutočnilo hlasovanie ohľadne loga projektu. Študenti z každej krajiny pripravili tri návrhy ako by mohlo vyzerať logo projektu. Hlasovalo sa pomocou online formulára a študenti, ale aj učitelia školy mohli vybrať šesť najkrajších návrhov, samozrejme žiadna krajina nemohla hlasovať za svoje vlastné návrhy. Víťazné logo projektu môžete vidieť tu:

Erasmus+ Logo Voting was held during the winter holidays. Students from each country prepared three logo suggestions. The voting process was realized via an online form. Students and also teachers were supposed to choose the six best logo suggestions. Of course, no country was allowed to vote for their own logo suggestions. You can see the winning project logo here:

Hi everybody.—The voting is over. I am sending you the final chart- after counting all the points. As you can see two logos have got the same number of points. LIT-03, TUR-01
I suggest that the coordinators from Rumania Slovakia and Spain will vote by giving 1 point to their favourite one. Turkey and Slovakia agree with this proposal. But if you have ( Spain, Romania, Lithuania) any objections or ideas, contact me please. If not, just let me know which logo do you vote for. Thanks.
1. This is the final chart with the final votes for each logo:

1 [LIT-03]28
1 [TUR-01]28
3 [LIT-02]27
4 [RUM-01]20
5 [TUR-02]13
6 [LIT-01]12
7 [SK-02]7
8 [SK-03]7
9 [SK-01]6
10 [SPA-01]4
11 [TUR-03]2
12 [RUM-03]1
13 [RUM-02]0
14 [SPA-02]0
15 [SPA-03]0

2. This chart shows the final voting in each country- we were supposed to give (10,8,6, 4,2,1) points to 6 best logos.

 [LIT-01] 84  12
 [LIT-02] 1108827
 [LIT-03] 10261028
 [RUM-01]8 82220
 [RUM-02]     0
 [RUM-03]1    1
 [SK-01] 6   6
 [SK-02]6   17
 [SK-03]   167
 [SPA-01]    44
 [SPA-02]     0
 [SPA-03]     0
 [TUR-01]102610 28
 [TUR-02]4414 13
 [TUR-03]2    2

3. Here you can see the best 6 logos in each country after counting the votes:
Note: I have to point out that some voters voted for their own logos so we could not take these votes into consideration.

4. Here are two logos we have to choose from:



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